The Launch Strategist®
I knew that partnerships were the channel that would take my business to the next level, but I had very sketchy ideas about what that might look like in practice. It was a bit of an internal frustration that I couldn’t join the dots and was taking up too much of my mental energy when I had other things that were more demanding of my focus.
I knew I needed support but wasn’t sure where to look, and so I hadn’t even started to; again the pressures of higher priorities.
Which is why it was such a relief when I met Dave and knew immediately, he’d be able to provide the support I needed.
I was looking for someone to give me clarity around my strategy, help me answer the questions that were swirling around in my head, and provide me some structure so that I could move forwards.
But more than just giving me the brain space to answer the questions I already had, Dave asked the right questions to get me thinking even more. He provided the right triggers for me to think outside of the box and start to join those dots. The fact that I didn’t have to take any notes as Dave was doing all of that made it even more freeing. And although there was a process that was followed it wasn’t rigid, enabling us to explore tangents as and when they arose.
By the end of the first half of the day I was so excited about the opportunity. The exploration and validation of the different client profiles and partner types provided some unexpected results and the clarity that brought came with a sense of relief as well.
The second half of the day dovetailed perfectly as it gave the structure I was looking for.
The ‘here’s best practice’ nature of this session meant that there was a shift in pace and the whole strategy went from being slightly abstract too much more refined.
It led to a crystal-clear outcome with practical steps for me to be able to implement.
And with implementation being key I was happy that the day not only came with extensive supporting notes, but also with the two follow up calls included.
Because it's so easy after these kinds of days to be all excited afterwards, and then a month down the line, you've not done anything.
So having a clear plan of knowing where to start, which is often the hardest part, coupled with some accountability to get going and the knowledge there’s someone on hand to turn to if I have further questions is really reassuring.
For me, partnerships was the missing piece in my business. It's going to be pivotal in getting the business to that next level of revenue I'm looking for, and to scale in the way that I want to; in a way that suits me and fits the ethos of my business.
The partnership day with Dave has got me really excited about working with partners to help me do that. It’s been invaluable and I can’t wait to see the results.